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Biology session

The volumetric evaluation of the canine cerebellum by using magnetic resonance imaging
Földes Katalin III. évfolyam
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Biologiacal Institution, Department of Ecological
Supervisors: Rita Garamvölgyi DVM, Dr. Péter Kabai


Background: As far as we know, in the literature there is no such study at present which would process the cerebral and cerebellar sizes of different size dogs based on MR images. The volumetric analyses were performed on sagittal and transversal planes of T2-weighted spin-echo sequence measurements. Objective: To obtain basic data of the cerebellar volume of different sized dogs and to examine that cerebellar atrophy could be in the background of epilepsy in the case of dogs just like in the case of human patients. The solution to the problem is interesting because by means of MR observed epilepsy and cerebellar atrophy can be filtered out. Methods: The MR measurements were made in general anaesthesia after a 24-hour fasting. 40 dogs were scanned (n=40), in every group were 10 entities. The four groups are following: (1) negative, (2) epilepsy with negative MR, (3) epilepsy with positive MR finding and (4) other dogs affected with cerebral or cerebellar disease. Additional groups were made by size wich are as follows: small (under 10 kg), medium (between 10 and 20 kg) and large (over 20 kg). The examination included 16 female and 24 male dogs. Average age was 5.48. The breeds participated in the test: English Cocker Spaniel, Bullmastiff, American Staffordshire Terrier, Kuvasz, Beagle, Pumi, Miniature Schnauzer, Dachshound, Yorkshire Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Bernese Mountain Dog, Dalmatian, Border Collie, Pekingese, Papillon, Bichon Havanese, Parson Russell Terrier, French Bulldog, Shar-pei, Brussels Griffon, Labrador Retriever, Puli, Mops, Pointer, English Bulldog, Mudi and Mix breed. The volumetric evaluation was made by Osiris software, and the statistical analysis was performed by R and Tinn-R programmes. We also used t-test and ANOVA criticism. Results:The comparison between the control (negative) and the three invalid groups per body-size, did not give a statistically significant result. Conclusion: In order to support our hypothesis, further data processing is necessary.

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