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» 2010
TDK conference 2010Sík Nikolett - year 5 SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Surgery and Ophtalmology Supervisors: Dr. Németh, Tibor, Dr. Bende, Balázs Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease is a well-known syndrome in veterinary practice. It is caused by diseases of various ethiology, from which the main one is obstructive urolithiasis. After the removal of obstruction, cats can be treated in two different ways, namely conservative and surgical one. In our study we compared the short term and long term evolution of the patients’ status depending on the way of the treatment. The monitoring took just right from the intervention for five years. 29 cats suffering from obstructive urolithiasis took part in our studies of two groups depending on the strategy of treatment. In the first group of 16, urethral obstruction was cleared by means of a catheter and urethral flushing. Menawhile, in the other group of 13, perineal urethrostomy was performed, removing the narrow part of the penile urethra, which was prone to obstruction. Struvit plugs was the cause in all cases so we suggested adequate dietary supply preventing crystall re-formation. The status of the animals was monitored every week in the first month and once at the end of the second month (short-term control). In the third and fifth year after the treatment we made inquires via telephone requests (long-term control). The intention was to establish a long-term prognosis by the long-term follow-up of patients treated in different ways. Evaluating the short-term results it can be stated that in the cats treated conservatively the beneficial acidic urine regarding struvite urolithiasis has developed much earlier compared to the cats of the surgical group. Proteinuria was minimized and haematuria disappeared by the second month, while in the surgical group proteins and blood were present in great amounts in the urine samples. In the third-year study 63.6 percent of the first group and 83.3 percent of the second one remained asymptomatic. After five years 57.1 percent of the first group and 75.0 percent of the second group remained asymptomatic. The patients not living or not founded were excluded. Taking into account the above results in optimal cases surgical strategy is recommended as the long-term exemption of complaints has higher chances. List of lectures |