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» 2011
TDK conference 2011Hóvári Márk - year 6 Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Department and Clinic of Surgery and Ophthalmology Supervisor: Dr. Dunay Miklós Pál This thesis deals with a retrospective risk analysis of the bacteriology samples obtained by the colleagues of the SZIE ÁOTK’s clinic of surgery and ophthalmology evaluated by the Duo-Bakt Veterinary Microbiology Laboratories. 130 of the 384 samples taken between 2010. January 1. and 2011. September 31. were from wound infections. The purpose of this thesis is a thorough analysis of the samples (identification of the pathogens, occurrence rate, antibiotic sensitivity and resistance rates) thus acquiring conclusions and obtaining a view of the threats and risks at hand. Out of the 130 wound infection samples the pathogens most often found were: Staphilococcus (pseudo)intermedius (N=50) of which 17 were Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (pseudo)intermedius (MRS(P)I), Escherichia coli (N=19), Beta-hemolytic Streptococci (N=14), Enerobacter cloacae (N=10) of which 2 were nosocomial and Pasteurella multocida (N=9). During the antibiotic resistance tests some of the bacteria listed above have shown increased resistance to some atibiotics, especially the Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae and the Beta-hemolytic Streptococci strains. During the inspected 21 months 979 surgeries were preformed in the operating rooms of the SZIE-ÁOTK small animal surgery clinic. In 23 cases the post-operative clinical signs observed were most probably the cause of contaminated surgical wounds. Of these 23 cases the pathogens were in 17 (74%) cases Staphilococcus (pseudo)intermedius of wich 7 (30%) were Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (pseudo)intermedius (MRS(P)I), 5 (22%) were Enterobacter cloacae and most of these cases were obtained from orthopedic patients. The obtained up to date microbiological results indicate a change in the clinical protocols, continuous adaptation, and the revision of the occupational health and safety parameters. List of lectures |