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TDK conference 2011

Results of Treatment Based on Multimodularity of Mammary Cancers in Companian Animals
Horváth Andrea - year 5
Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine
Supervisor: Dr. Péter Vajdovich


The purpose of the research was to explore the efficiency of the combined treatment of dogs and cats who have different types of mammary cancers, based on different aspects, while following their whole therapy. All in all, 47 dogs and 10 cats took part in the research, in the statistics we used data from the last 2 years. As for the appearance of the tumour, we searched the breed, the age, the habitation, the spaying, and, in case of spaid animal, the time of the spaying. The mean age in dogs was 9,98 years, while in cats it was a bit more, 12,3 years. As for they habitation, 7 dogs lived in the city centre, and 40 lived in the suburbia; from the cats, 3 lived in the city centre and 7 in the suburbia. From those who have died, the average survival time was 6,65 months in dogs, and 6,29 months in cats. From those who are still alive, the dogs have been treated for 11,46 months on the average until now, and the cats for 3 months. Many different types of tumours occured in dogs, the most common in both species was carcinoma simplex. From the dogs, 12 had metastasis from which 5 was local and 7 was distant metastasis. In the cats, 5 metastasis were diagnosed, from which 1 local and 4 distant metastasis were found. 14 from the dogs, and 5 from the cats were given chemotherapy. In the treatment, we applied the following chemotherapy medications: in dogs carboplatin (n=6), doxorubicin (n=4), vinblastin (n=1), carboplatin and doxorubicin (n=3); in cats carboplatin (n=2), doxorubicin (n=2), carboplatin and doxorubicin (n=1). As a complementary therapy, we applied photodinamic therapy once in dogs, and 4 times in cats. In addition, we also applied Feldene (cyclooxigenase antagonist) therapy 24 times in dogs. From the dogs 39, from the cats 9 were operated. After the treatment, 12 dogs had recidivas (1,75 times on the average), and 8 cats, also (2,5 times on the average). To summarize, we can tell that Feldene (cyclooxigenase antagonist) therapy has not shown significant difference as for their life-span. Those who only had an operation had a longer life-span, than those who also had chemotherapy treatment, because of their lower stage. Those who were in higher stage had a shorter life-span than those who had lower stage. Those who already had a recidiva at the time of the treatment had a significantly shorter life than in case of treating a primer tumour. By our researches we confirmed that inhibition of cyclooxigenase ostensibly does not bring any significant results, neither chemotherapy, however, it is worth thinking of this in the point that simpler cases are not given any treatments based on multimodularity.

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