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» 2012
TDK conference 2012Bogár Péter - year 4 MKOE, SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Surgery and Opthalmology Supervisors: Dr. László Michalik, Dr. Zoltán Diószegi Hip joint dysplasia is one of the most common orthopedic disease that affects dogs, which appears typically in the large breeds, at the same time it occurs in the smaller breeds, as the puli. Despite this, we don’t know so much from the smaller breeds’ hip dysplasia, because at these animals disease doesn’t cause symptoms so often. In our study we would like to give a comprehensive picture from assessment of radiographs 2005-2010, anatomical characteristics of the puli’s hip joint, and role of the measured parameters in dysplasia screening. My work is a part from a program, called Puli Project, which was started in 2010 by the Hungarian Small Animal Orhopedic Society (MKOE). This Project’s perspective aim is to adapt the review method for the small Hungarian shepherd dogs (puli, pumi, mudi), defined by the FCI onto large breeds. The basis of the research was 194 radiographs from the archive of the MKOE According to the classification categories, we found that 50,5 % of the measured population, 98 puli A=free; 23,7 % , 46 animals B=borderline; 17%, 33 animals C=mild; 6,2%, 12 animals D= mid-range and 2,1%, 4 animals owes to E=severe category. In the course of this review Norberg-angle was measured on both sides of the ragiographs. Compare these values frequency distributions and its classification categories, there were a smaller contradiction. According to the Norberg –angle there is less free animal from the classification point of view. It can be explain by changes in review methods, using by MKOE. Today, Norberg-angle is not observed siriously, as earlier. It is an objective value of the method, but more parameters have affects on the final daignosis. The age moved on a wide range, but it’s distribution is not even. 53,1% of the dogs are 1 year old, 26,8% are 2 years old but only a few dogs were elder than 5 years. The consequence of this that the effect of the age is not examinable onto the establishment of the disease. We did not find a context between the hair’s colour and the dysplasia. The black dominates in the population after that the masked colourless, then the white, eventually the grey occur. The 4 other parameters measured on the uptakes (the width of the joint gap, divergence, dorsal acetabular edge-head centre from each other, the beam of thefemoral head) are constitute grounds for later examinations, which we may concretize the characteristics of the joint, pulis’ hip joint can be compared to other kinds of breeds. Our results point out the capital characteristics of pulis’ dysplasia, they may be in service as a useful handle at the perspective aim to set in the forming of a new standard at puli breed. Involving bigger amount of aged puli RTG uptake to the case number of the examination, the practised effect of the age on hip dysplasia may be appreciable. List of lectures |