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Veterinary session

The reproduction of the roe deer in forestrial envrionment
Oroszi Barbara - year 4
SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Supervisor: Marosán Miklós DVM


The roe deer is an economically important animal, commonly found in our country. In spite of this fact, there were few publications about domestic results in the last decade. Because of this fact, I studied the reproduction habits of the roe deer.

The goal of my study was to provide up-to-date information about the characteristics of the reproduction of the roe deer. I examined the influence of motherly features on reproduction ratees, the amount of corpus luteum and the number of fetuses, and also the consistence of body mass and sex of offsrpings.

The sample collection was conducted in the Cserhát Mountains in Nógrád County and in the Bakony Mountains in Veszprém County, which both are mainly woodlands. In summary I managed to collect 18 full-grown does and 7 female fawns for the study.

The deers were shot in late January and February, when the fetuses were developed enough for macroscopical examination. After the deers were shot, full body mass was measured followed by age-indentification based upon appearance and tooth abrasion. Then I separated the entire sex organ and the kidneys from the viscera. The kidneys were needed for the kidney fat index-calculation which gives the rate of the doe's condition. I measured the amount of corpus luteum in the ovaries, as well as the number of fetuses in the uterus. I also identified the sex and mass of the fetuses.

According to the results of the study, the fecundity has proven to be 100%, as corpus luteum was found in every full-grown specimen. None of the female fawns reached puberty, which is not surprising in woodlands, since in lower-quality habitats they reach the necessary minimum body mass later than the ones in the field. In spite of the collective fertility of the does the impregnation rate was low, reaching 72.2 percent only. The average amount of corpus luteum in one doe was 1.86 while the number of fetuses were 1.28. This difference implies a great tendency of failure in implantation.

Out of the total 23 fetuses 17 had reached the necessary size for sex-indentification. I found 8 females and 9 males, which makes for an equal ratio between the two sexes. The mass of the fetuses showed a great deviation, which could be explained by the differing times of fertilization and the mothers' dissimilar capabilities for developing the fetuses.

Of the motherly characteristics I studied the influence of age, body mass and condition. The middle and elder age groups produced a proper number of offsprings, however, the reproduction rates of the 3-4 years olds were surprisingly low, which had a negative impact on the results of the body mass and condition, so no useful information could be collected from them.

Based on the data and analysises I found low reproduction rates of the roe deer. Further verification would require years of studying, as climatic factors, especially wintering can cause big variation in yearly results.

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