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Veterinary session

Survey about the situation of the unowned animals in Hungary
Németh Andrea - year 5
SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of State Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Economics
Supervisor: Fodor Kinga DVM


Latching on the researches of the Department of state veterinary medicine and agricultural economics I would like to survey the status of the unowned animals from the point of view of the animal shelters and flaying-houses. From the 140 animal-keeping places, that I found on the Internet, I could find just at 109 email accessibility too, and out of these just 68werefunctioning and living. Al to get her we got back 35 filled up and evaluated questionnaires. Our questions were framed suitably to the orders of the market researches, and so were landed to the animal places. Our questions tended principally to the form and to the type (animal shelters and flaying-houses) of the animal estates, to the headcount, to the monthly number of the getting in and out, and to the number of the euthanasia. We were also interested in, which animal species are in an animal estate and which of them is the most kept, why and how many time after the adoption is an animal given back to the estate, and by what regards choose somebody an animal.

The results worked out as follows. 83% of the animal homes are working as a scholarship, 73% are animal shelter. At 49% of them is the average headcount between 50 and 200. Dogs live in all of the estates, 63% of them keep cats too. All of the respondent animal shelters and flaying-houses specialized for dogs, but some where they keep other species too. 69% of the shelters and the flaying-houses declared that most of the animals get into the shelter by their workers and volunteers. The people give up their animals in 54% because of contingency, in 34% a half or a year after the adoption (purchasing). In the most (57%) estate get grown up animals, at 74% of them get the animals as matted and underweight, at 63% scared and afraid, and it is interesting, that none of the animals, which have gotten into estates were aggressive. The getting into number is monthly under 15 pieces at the 43% of the estates, and the getting out is the same in the 54% of them. On the 77% of the animal homes posses admission is the euthanasia number under 5 pieces per month. According to the observations almost all adoptive (96%) would like to have a healthy, 86% young, 46% white or varicolored dog with shorthair. Nearly the half of them (45%) said, that the neutered animals are popular, and the results are showing, that being a true-bred is not always an important regard. To the question, what kind of help the animal homes need the most, the answer was in 69% the money.

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