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» 2013
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionVasas Orsolya - year 5 SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Supervisor: Dr. Vajdovich Péter Doxorubicin is an effective medicine against various neoplastic disease, however, it has some toxic side effects, which can cause the death of the treated patient. Doxorubicin has acute and chronic toxic side-effects. Acute side-effects can be hypersensitivity, extravasation injury, arrythmia, colitis, allergic reaction, chronic side-effects are cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity The therapeutic dose is ranging between 0.46-3.33 mg/kg, but the recommended dose is 1.5 mg/kg (30 mg/m2 body surface area). The aim of the study is was to evaluate whether dose reduction or pre-treatment will increase lifetime. During the research we examined 244 animals, dogs and cats, suffering from various neoplasias like lymphoma/leukemia, sarcoma, carcinoma. We used dose reduction in 31.96% of the animals, others got total dose. We used pre-treatment in 39.34% of the patients, and others doxorubicine for the first time. Those patients whose general state was optimized with pretreament, the survival time was approximetly 268.33 days, others, who got doxorubicine for the first time, 146.78 days. Dogs with lymphoma/leukemia we found that those patients with substage „a” and pre-treatment lived the longest, and those with substage „b” and which received doxorubicin for the first time lived the shortest. We used Pearson-correlation, and found that dose reduction is not significantly correlated with increase lifetime, but pre-treatment significantly correlated with longer survival time. We got the same result but with smaller number of case in connection with sarcoma and carcinoma. Dose reduction didn’t show significant change in survival time, but sometimes the reduction is necessery because of the toxic effects. Doxorubicin is highly recommended in satisfying general state but not recommended as first drug especially in critical state. List of lectures |