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Veterinary session

The occurence of the left-sided abomasal diplacement and practical experiences of surgical treatment.
Takács Ádám - year 6
SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal hygiene, Herd-health and Veterinary ethology
Supervisors: Endre Brydl DVM, Tamás Varga DVM, László Könyves DVM


Displaced abomasum is one of the most common disease related to digestive system in the dairy herds. Its great economical importance came from the profit loss because of decreased milk production and culled animals. There are many surgical methods to treat it. These methods don’t differ in efficiency but differ in the degree of invasiveness.

The aim of this study was to make a survey on the incidence and the results of surgical treatment of displaced abomasum at four large scale dairy farms. The practical experiences of the surgical treatment and its economy is summarised in our study.

Data of 530 cases were collected on four dairy farms. The most cases of left displaced abomasum (78,9%-91,25%) developed at the first 6 weeks after calving and the highest incidence rate was found in second week after calving in each herd examined. We have to note the presence of displaced abomasum could be found any time during the lactation, even in the dry period. It was proven by the cases diagnosed on the 49th, 57th and 62nd weeks after calving. The highest occurrence rate was found in the first parity cows (32,84%-51,37%) in each herd.

All the cases of displaced abomasum have been treated by laparoscopy abomasopexia method with Fritz endoscopy tools since October of 2009. The basic idea of this method is to fix the abomasum to the ventral abdomen wall with one toggle-pin. Condition of long-term fixation is to develop local peritonitis around the suture. This results coalescence between abomasal and abdominal serosa. This process took about 4 weeks. Attention have been paid on this conditions during the evaluation of the development of recidivs.

The incidence rate of recidivs were very low (2,75%-6,1%). These appeared mostly during the next lactation, but 10 cases developed in the same lactation. Six of the 10 cases appeared during the first 10 days after the surgical intervention. The success and profitability of the surgical treatment was evaluated by the days spent in production after the treatment. The days spent in production after surgery showed a big variability (159,5-250,4 days). But it should be noticed that this figure is the average of culled animals. There are few cows whose operated 4 years ago and they still in production. The culling reason of treated cows was mostly reproduction failure, locomotion problem, poor body condition and metabolic disorders. Only few cows were cull related due to the surgical intervention, for example peritonitis or very low milk yield. The lactational milk production of the first parity cows operated ranged between 8468,1 and 9341,8 l and 9208,7-10399,4 l of the multiparous cows.

Summarising the results of the study we can draw the conclusion that displaced abomasum can affect the cows during any lactation, but it mostly appear at the first few week after calving. The production data prove the success and the economical benefit of the surgical treatment.

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