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» 2013
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionPikó Evelin - year 6 Emirates Industries for Camel Milk and Products, Farm and Veterinary Section, , Richter Gedeon Nyrt. Orvostudományi Főosztály, Orvosi Törzskönyvezési Osztály, SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Reproduction Supervisors: Dr. Nagy Péter DVM, Dr. Faigl Vera DVM, Dr. Kulcsár Margit DVM In the eighties, Chinese authors (Chen et al., 1986) demonstrated that a so-called Ovualtion Induction Factor (OIF) found in the seminal plasma of male Bactrian camels causes ovulation in females. Some 20 years later, Canadian scientists isolated and identified this ovulation inducing factor (OIF) from alpacca and llama semen. They have discovered along with researchers from Australia that OIF is identical to a well known neurotrophin, beta- neuro growth factor (beta-NGF). It has the same structure (sequence of aminoacids) and the same function. The presence of beta-NGF in the seminal plasma of bulls (a spontaneous ovulating species) was demonstrated long before, but the connection between beta-NGF and OIF was not established before. The aim of our study were (1) to monitor changes in luteinizing hormone (LH) serum concentration after natural mating and exogen gonadotrop realesing hormone (GnRH) analogue administration; (2) to measure serum beta-NGF concentrations following natural mating and GnRH treatment; and (3) to make a comparison between graphs. To our best knowledge, this is the first study in which beta-NGF concentration was determined in serum of domestic animals in connection to mating. Besides the main goals, we determined 17-beta oestradiol and progesterone serum concentration at different times. Both, natural mating and GnRH treatment induced a distinct LH release, but the charactersitics of changes in serum LH concentration were different. After natural mating the LH peak occured later and the maximum concentration was lower compared with the GnRH treatment. In one of the mated dromedaries, no LH release was detected and ovulation did not occure. After natural mating, serum concentration of beta-NGF increased immediately, the peak was reached 60-90 minutes after mating, and it preceded the peak of the LH. Beta-NGF showed a similar pattern (sharp increase after mating) in the dromedary that failed to ovulate. After GnRH treatment, there was no changes beta-NGF, its serum concentration remained low during the period of sampling. The non ovulated dromedary had the lowest 17-beta oestradiol serum concentration. We have showed for the first time, that the beta-NGF serum concentration increases after natural mating in dromedary camels. Our result confirms previous studies, that beta-NGF plays a role in ovulation induction in Camelids. But our study also suggests that increased beta-NGF concentration alone following natural mating is not sufficient to induction of ovulation in this species. It is still not known how beta-NGF reaches to hypophysis and stimulates LH release. The role of beta-NGF in ovulation induction needs further investigations both in spontaneous and induced ovulator species. List of lectures |