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» 2015
TDK conference 2015Varga Bálint - year 5 SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Parasitology and Zoology, SU, Supervisors: Éva Fok DVM, Ágoston Ghidán Nowadays, because of the spread of tourism, people, even with their animals together can reach a number of countries, where they can be infected with parasites, which do not occur in our country. In addition, as a result of climate change, parasites, which have public health importance, too, have already appeared in Hungary, that were previously only native in southern Europe. During the gradual education the veterinary and the human medical students can aquire general knowledge in parasitology. However, after finishing their studies, they should keep their knowledge up to date because of the possible new challenges. Because of the migration of the people, began in the recent past, and also involving our country the practicing doctors and veterinarians can meet such of parasitoses (eg. malaria, leishmaniosis, taeniosis and bovine cysticercosis) which had previously been eliminated in our country, or which occurred not at all or very rare. The aim of our research was to estimate the parasitological knowledge of human medical and veterinary students. We made our survey between March and June 2015, in the frame of this study 430 medical and 78 veterinary students and 144 veterinarians took part in a widely distributed, multi-question test filling. As far as we know this kind of survey – affecting a wide area of parasitology – had not been conducted either in Hungary or any other countries. Through the questions, which were common in each group, we were able to compare the parasitological knowledge of medical and veterinary students and veterinarians, respectively. In 11 cases (44 %) the veterinary students, in 10 cases (40 %) the veterinarians, and in 4 cases (16 %) the human medical students achieved the best results with refer to the correct answer. In the questions, which were about the specific animal parasites, the veterinary students had a higher percentage in the majority of the questions (61 %), than the veterinarians (39 %). Medical students had also questions including in the questionnaire, which are not part of their curriculum, but because of the growing importance of these parasites we felt it necessary to assess the general knowledge of these students as well. Overall, the knowledge of the students, were more up to date compared to the vets. The medical students – who have a very low number of lectures from parasitology in the frame of microbiology subject – were able to mark the correct answer in lesser questions. List of lectures |