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» 2015
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionKovács László - year 5 SzIU, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Pathology Supervisor: Míra Mándoki DVM The runting-stunting syndrome (RSS) is one of the most important enteric diseases of the broiler chickens and causes big economic loss. The disease has various names like malabsorption syndrome, helicopter disease or infectious tenosynovitis. This disease is causing severe economic loss in poultry industry due to the decreased growth and developmental failure of the birds which do not perform according to their genetic potential. Several virus families have been manifested at the same time from the alimentary tract of the chickens which are suffering from this disease. The detected viruses include for example Astroviridae, Coronaviridae, Reoviridae, Rotaviridae and Parvoviridae. The exact role of pathogens in this disease is still not fully understood. The clinical picture includes – beside the variable proportion of morbidity and mortality – abnormal growth of the chickens resulting in well visible heterogenic appearance of the flock. Besides these more typical symptoms of diarrhea, lethargy, litter consumption, painful vocalization and grouping of the animals are usually observed. The pathogenicity of these viruses is not significant in solitary infection. According to our knowledge these viruses cause the RSS with the concurrent presence of non-infectious etiology, predisposing factors and in possible coinfections. Data were collected from Hungarian broiler farms from January to March in this year. Cadavers from 30 different broiler farms were gathered for diagnostic autopsy. Samples were taken from the intestine of the birds for the purpose of histopathological investigation. In addition, PCR and bacteriological tests were performed. Results of the post-mortem examinations were compared to anamnesis (symptoms) what was provided by the owners and/or veterinarians. The feed utilization and the mortality were also examined at the poultry farms, the broiler-index was computed and the slaughter weight was documented. According to our examinations we have accumulated new scientific results about the RSS and with these results we try to research this disease from another perspective. List of lectures |