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» 2016
TDK conference 2016Kántás Zsófia - year 6 University of Veterinary Medicine, Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine Supervisors: Dr. Bodó Gábor, Dr. Tuska Pál In case of the equine stifle and fetlock joint defects Bodó et all. (2000, 2004), in case of hock joint defects Janicek et all. (2010) reported excellent results about the autolog ostechondral graft reconstruction of weight-bearing, full thickness cartilage defects and autolog cysts. Furthermore, Bodó et all. (2013) investigated in vitro the survival of the hyaline cartilage which was transplantated by mosaicplasty surgery in weight-bearing surface of the equine stifle joint. In 66% they were able to reach the quality of hyaline or hyaline-like cartilage. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the rotated autologous graft in the survival of cartilage tissue in medial femoral condyle (MFC). In the recipient area of MFC implantation was performed parallel („split-like pattern”) (0°) and perpendicular (90̊). Transplantation was not performed in the control group (sham). Surgery was performed in both stifles of nine horses (n=18). Three groups were made according to the type of surgery performed (0 ̊, 90 ̊ , control). Hindlimb lameness and effusion of the medial femorotibial (MFT) and femoropatellar (FP) joints have been monitored during the postoperative follow up period. The euthanasia of the horses was performed after the radiological evaluation of their stifles 12 months after the surgeries. Macroscopic assessment of the stifes was done during necropsy where samples were collected from MFC and the femoral trochlea for histopathological examination. Three types of staining methods have been used: hematoxylin-eosin, proteoglican specific Safranin-O and pikrosirius red to demonstrate collagen fibers. 10-14 days postoperatively all the horses showed 2-3/5 lameness that gradually improved and disappeared after 60 days. Osteoarthritis was not observed in any of the stifles during the evaluation of the radiographs. The recipient surface of the MFC was covered with hyaline cartilage in all samples examined. No significant differences have been found between the two rotated implantation types (0,90). We conclude that mosaicplasty transplatation is a reliable surgical method with sufficient survival of transplanted cartilige. Based on our studies the method used had main role in the survival of the transplanted cartilige. According to our observations osteoarthritis and undergoing the surgery had no lameness and osteoarthritis after the long-term follow up. Based on our studies the technical method has leading role in the survival of transplanted cartilage. List of lectures |