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TDK conference 2019Medvecz Réka - year 4 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science Supervisor: Dr. Kinga Fodor I joined the research of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science Department. We assessed the mental health status, private life, financial situation, job satisfaction and overall happiness of Hungarian veterinarians with the help of a 95 question survey. The online questionnaire was systematically developed with the help of psychologists, coaches and advisors, and i analyzed the part of it that is concerned with the connection between job positions and sypmtoms of burnout syndrome. Currently, burnout syndrome is researched as an independent mental health problem, which has a significant affect on personal, societal and economic aspects. Beyond the fact that the burned out person’s mental is damaged, it can cause severe physical health issues. These can force the highly educated doctors to leave the working sphere. Surprisingly, more vets over 60 completed my survey than 25-30 year olds, besides this the age distribution was proportionate. The collected 858 finished surveys cover nearly the third of all Hungarian vets. I analyzed the majority of the results with Fisher-exact test and i ran the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test on the ordinal type answers. Based on my research we can say that the emotional exhaustion, attached to burnout, is present among both executives and employees, but it is 2,9 times more likely for an employee to be in this state. Employees had a bigger chance to say that they are viewing their coworkers and clients as lifeless objects. Symptoms concerning family life were not significant. Examining personal effectiveness, the subjects were not affected too badly, though employees had a harder time establishing calm working contditions. The prevelance of suicide is peaking among veterinarians, according to recent studies it is has a higher ratio than in the rest of the population. Our subjects show a 31,6% suicidal disposition, which means 271 veterinarians. According to our data, more employees than executives feel a distinct hatred towards others. In summary, only 8,5% of the answering veterinarians showed an overall good mental state. All in all, we conducted that veterinarians working in executive positions have a 3 times better mental situation than their employees. Regarding emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal efficiency and competence decline, hatred towards others and suicidal tendencies employees are way more affected. List of lectures |