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» 2020
TDK conference 2020Uszkai Virág Zsófia - year 5 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine Supervisor: Dr. Antal Papp In rabbit medicine occurence of gastrointestinal diseases is common. Gastrointestinal stasis and obturatory ileus are the most frequent diagnoses. Positive contrast studies are commonly used diagnostic methods. Certain studies in human medicine show therapeutic effect of orally given iodine containing contrast materials like Gatrografin. In veterinary line red eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) have been studied for similar purpose. In our research, we examined whether different contrast agents influence passage time of domestic rabbits. Eight healthy rabbits were studied for the difference in transit times of different contrast materials. We studied two contrast agents, iodine-containing Telebrix Gastro® and barium sulfate-containing Micropaque® suspension. Immediately after oral administration, a laterolateral image was taken, and further images were taken 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours after administration until the contrast agent reached the rectum. All exposures were taken in left lateral recumbency. A few rabbits were x-rayed the next day and on the third day after the administration of the contrast agent, at which time we examined whether the contrast agent reappeared in the stomach due to cecotrophy. We allowed 14 days for complete emptying of the first used contrast agent before applying the next one. In our research, we did not find any data in the literature comparing the transit time of different contrast agents in rabbits. Our results did not show significant difference between passage time of the iodine-containing Telebrix Gastro® and barium sulfate-containing Micropaque® suspension. The complete depletion of contrast agents was also monitored, and it was found that barium sulfate-containing contrast agent is clearly visible in the stomach after ceacotrophy, while the iodine-containing, is much less radiodens. Barium sulphate containinig contrast agent proved to be more suitable for colon examination. Based on the results and experience, we concluded that the active ingredient of the examined two contrast materials does not influence passage time. Nevertheless, contrast study is a useful tool in our hand in diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases and controlling therapeutic efforts. List of lectures |