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» 2021
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionEgyed Adrienn Beatrix - year 5 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine Supervisor: dr. Antal Papp Intraosseus route is a possibility to gain access to the circulation that was publicated first in the first half of the 20th century but was rarely used till the 1980s though it has great significance in cases of failed peripheral access or exotic pet patients with small size. Regarding the fact, that there are not so many publications available in this topic in Hungarian language, at first we tried to collect as many international sources publicated from the last two decades on the indications, implementation and possible complications of the intraosseus access as we could on the general principles and special informations on exotic species as well. Comparing the informations from international and Hungarian publications we found that though there are only a few literature available in Hungarian, language they describe the process with many practical detailes. In the second part of our project we worked out a questionare on the prevalence in practice and on the judgement of the veterinarians of this technics. 144 clinical veterinarians answered our questions who specialized themselves on very different species in their daily practice. Last, but not least we interviewed some of the respondents on their personal experiences. It was a pleasure to see that 40% of the respondents already have personal experiment on the application of the intraosseus acces; though 66% of them choosed this possibility only at extraordinary cases, even with the specialization for exotic species. The difficulty of this technic was judged easier to implement by those who have personal experiments than by those who haven’t tried it yet. 43% of the respondents pointed it out that it would be useful to put a stress on introducing this technic in a way that reaches wider segment of veterinarians no matter the species they specialized themself. Further 44% has the opinion that it would be necessary only at the field of exotic species and small animals. Regarding the demand revealed during the interpretation the results of our work to gain more information on the application of this technic, as a next step it would worth to think through the possibilites of bringing closer the technic of the intraosseus access to the veterinarians who could use it in practice. List of lectures |