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» 2021
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionKiss Daniella Panna - year 3 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science Supervisor: Dr. Ákos Maróti-Agóts Our native dog breed, the Kuvasz, belongs to the oldest type of Hungarian shepherd dogs. The earliest written mention of the XV. century left for us. Nowadays, purebred dog breeding faces serious animal welfare and health problems due to genetic diseases caused by increasing homozygosity due to inbreeding. 150-year-old purebred dog breeding seems to have now reached the point where ever-declining genetic diversity can no longer offset the detrimental effects of inbreeding. As a standard owner country, in the case of our native dog breeds, the responsibility of domestic breed clubs is increased. Recognizing this, in cooperation with the Hungarian Kuvasz Breeding Association and the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics of University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, the online coefficient of inbreeding (COI) calculator, the FEDO.HU, was created with the help of the MEOESz and Hungarikum tenders. With this freely available internet tool based on pedigree data, breeders can calculate the COI values of puppies to be born from planned matings, which is shown by FEDO together with the current average COI value of the entire living dog breed population. The FEDO system calculated the exact COI values for the living stock of Kuvasz breed, and this raised the question of how the results of the parentage test tests performed on native varieties in the NÉBIH parentage control laboratory relate to the calculated results. The aim of this study to compare the measures of inbreeding calculated on the basis of pedigree data and observed with microsatellite (STR) genotyping studies. The COI calculation algorithm of the FEDO system takes into account kinship relationships up to the 7th generation with a view to optimizing the computation time. A total of 7713 Kuvasz dog pedigree data were processed, the first entry is from 1987. 517 founders, we found it possible to compare the individual lines, with which the presence of genetic diversity and homozygosity can be detected. The STR test results of 768 individuals were used for molecular studies. Genetic diversity was determined from HO test results based on PIC in STR tests, HE, and FIS values. Based on our results, the measures calculated from the results of laboratory tests, as well as from the pedigree data, indicate a low inbreeding in Kuvasz breed. We need to preserve the genetic diversity of our native breed, that is, we need to plan for mating not only based on the appearance traits hoped for in the short term, but also with regard to the future health of our dogs! And based on the first usage statistics of FEDO.HU, it seems that the Kuvasz breeders are open to use the online COI calculator. List of lectures |