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» 2021
» Veterinary Session
Veterinary sessionBakarecz Fanni - year 6 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Anatomy and Histology Supervisors: Dr. László Zoltán Reinitz, Dr. Örs Petneházy General empirical evidence exist among veterinarians supported by many studies that different dog breads are more sensible to different heart problems. Outside the diseases some correlation also exists between several physiological parameters of the heart and bodyweight or breed. However we did not find such studies about the performance of the heart thus the goal of our study was to compare the heart performance of dogs with different body weight. We measured 15 dogs with CT in the Somogy County Kaposi Mór Teaching Hospital, Dr. Baka József Diagnostical and Oncoradiological Centre in cooperation with the specialists of Medicopus Nonprofit Ltd using their Siemens Definition Flash Dual (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) equipment with ECG based triggering. The subjects were between 7-17 kg of bodyweight and were free of heart or chest related diseases. During the computer analysis of the sequences we selected the once in systole and the ones in diastole to be reconstructed using 3D Slicer software. We measured multiple independent anatomical structures during the reconstruction: aortic arch (arcus aortae), cavity of the left ventricle (ventriculus sinister), cavity of the right ventricle (ventriculus dexter), right atrium (atrium dextrum), left atrium (atrium sinistrum), myocardium, pulmonary trunk (truncus pulmonalis), v. cava cranialis, v.cava cudalis, and the papillary muscles of the left ventricle (m. papillaris subauricularis, m. papillaris subatrialis). All reconstructions and measurements were performed in both systole and diastole in every dog. The measurements of the segmented anatomical structures were registered for statistical analysis. The mean value for the left ventricle in systole was 21.34 cm3, and 34.81 cm3 in diastole; while 30.50 cm3 for the right ventricle in systole and 44.17 cm3 in diastole. The axis of the heart was 46.35 degree in systole and 48,90 degree in diastole. Out of the data about the performance of the heart we found that the contraction rate of the m. papillaris subatrialis decreases with increasing bodyweight (p=0,0407), while that for the m. papillaris subauricularis increases (p=0,0080). Our data suggests that inside the examined bodyweight-range the contractility specifications and ratio may correlates to the individual morphological specific of the dog, In the future we are planning for processing the same measurement and modelling among dogs between 20-45 kgs of bodyweight. List of lectures |