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» 2022
TDK conference 2022Négyesi Evelin - year 6 University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Animal Hygiene, Herdhealth and Veterinary Ethology Supervisor: Bóna Márta The large-scale production of animal products is developing dynamically in order to satisfy the ever-increasing market demands. Among the sectors, the poultry sector is able to adapt to market changes the most flexibly. This efficient production is made possible by the favorable reproductive biological properties of poultry, as well as the stucture of the sector. The meat and egg production, as well as the breeder and the end-product flocks are separated. The hatching process must also adapt to the increased market demands, which can only be met with automation. It is important to note that despite of the artificial, automated systems, the hatching remains a biological process. Understanding the process and ensuring the necessary conditions are still essential for the production of healthy, high-quality day-old chicks. This thesis examines productive biology aspects in the broiler breeder sector, including the hatching process and its influencing factors. In this study, we analyzed the hatching results of Cobb 500 broiler female line grandparent flocks in 2021. The flocks were divided into two groups according to their age: the first group was between 32 and 46 weeks of age, while the second group was between 46 and 62 weeks of age. We processed the data of 31 hatchings. The hatchings took place in Hungary in a 100% Hungarian-owned hatchery, using Petersime incubators. The hatch eggs came from German grandparent flocks and from the two own Hungarian grandparent flocks. From the collected data, we compared the estimated hatching % with the actual hatching %. We examined the correlation between the age of the grandparent flock and the storage duration of the hatch eggs with the actual hatching %, as well as the loss at candling and at hatching. Losses during candling include infertile eggs and early embryo death, while late embryonic losses are the death-in-shell eggs (late embryo death). During our investigations, we established the following observations: As the age of the grandparent flock increased, the actual hatching % decreased (P < 0.05). The length of the storage duration had no significant effect on the hatching % (P > 0.05). The losses at candling increased with the age of the grandparent flock (P < 0.05), while the length of the storage duration did not affect it (P > 0.05). The late losses did not show a correlation with the age of the grandparent flock (P > 0.05), but their number increased with the increase in the storage duration (P< 0.05). In summary, comparing according to the age groups, it can be stated that the estimated hatching % was more accurate in the case of older flocks (P < 0.05). The actual hatching % in younger flocks was higher compared to the older flocks (P < 0.05). In the case of older flocks losses at candling were higher (P < 0.05), while in the case of late embryonic losses there was no difference between the two age groups (P > 0.05). List of lectures |