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TDK conference 2009

November 25, 2009, Wednesday, 8 am

Venue: Vaterinary Faculty
Assembly Hall
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)

Duration of each presentation is 10 minutes

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Sótonyi Péter, head of TDK committee


1. Barna Mónika - year 5 (zoo)
Investigations on West Nile virus infections in wild birds (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisor: Tamas Bakonyi DVM
2. Biró Judit - year 5 (zoo)
Evaluating Hungarian farmlands based on densities of common birds and the fitness of the Skylark Alauda arvensis (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute of Biology
Supervisors: András Báldi Phd., Péter Kabai Phd.
3. Bókony Brigitta - year 5 (vet)
Stress physiology along the urbanization gradient in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Supervisor: Tibor Bartha DVM
4. Bonnevie, Anna - graduating student (vet)
Comparison of conventional and sensor-based electronic stethoscopes in detecting cardiac murmurs of dogs (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine
Supervisor: Károly Vörös DVM
5. Buránszki Barbara - year 5 (vet)
The effect of specific immunotherapy and Gynevac injection on the ratio of CD4/CD8 T-lymphocytes in the blood of atopic dogs (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Internal Medicine
Supervisors: Noémi Tarpataki DVM, Melinda Terényi DVM
6. Durányik Lilla - year 5 (vet)
Analysis of the subcellular distribution of ecto-nuceloside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 in hypothalamic neurons: morphological aspects and functional considerations (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Supervisor: Attila Zsarnovszky DVM
7. Fekete Tímea - year 5 (vet)
Effect of sodium butyrate on the gene expression of CYP450 enzymes in primary culture of chicken liver cells (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Supervisors: György Csikó DVM, Krisztina Szekér DVM, Ákos Jerzsele DVM
8. Fitz Regina Magdalena - graduating student (vet)
Equine caries - a computertomographic study (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Dept. of Anatomy & Histology
Supervisor: Balázs Gerics DVM
9. Flesch Márton - year 5 (vet)
Mitochondrial DNA based diversity and phylogenetic investigation of the Hucul horse breed (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Lab Animal Science
Supervisors: Ákos Maróti-Agóts DVM, Balázs Egyed DVM, László Zöldág DVM
10. Kertész Attila Mihály - year 3 (vet)
Numerical anatomical characterization of mammary gland and teat canal of domestic breeding pigs (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Anatomical and Hystological Department
Supervisors: Péter Sótonyi DVM, Hunor Bíró DVM
11. Kismul, Haldis - year 5 (vet)
Toxicokinetics of the adrenocorticolytic compound 3-MeSO2-DDE in lactating and suckling Göttingen minipig (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Reproduction; Department of Production Animal Clinical Science, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo
Supervisors: Gyula Huszenicza DVM, Erik Ropstad DVM
12. Kötél Dóra - year 5 (zoo)
Plumage coloration as an integrated signal system in great tits (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institut of Biology
Supervisors: Dr. Gergely Hegyi, Dr. János Török, Dr. Szilvia Kövér
13. Kovács Eszter - year 5 (vet)
Expression of porcine circovirus capsid gene with different bacterial vectors (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisors: Tamás Tuboly DVM, Attila Cságola DVM
14. Kreizinger Zsuzsa - year 5 (vet)
Study on the infection of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) with intestinal helminths in Hungary (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Supervisor: Éva Fok DVM
15. Mester Anita - year 4 (vet)
Representative survey on the BVDV infection rate of Hungarian cattle stocks (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Pathology and Veterinary Forensic Medicine
Supervisor: Miklós Rusvai DVM
16. Mitze Stefanie - year 5 (vet)
Interleukin-6 production by lipopolysaccharide stimulated cultured rumen epithelial cells (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Supervisors: Zsuzsanna Neogrády DVM, Gálfi Péter DVM
17. Molnár Orsolya - year 5 (zoo)
Presentation of biological knowledge in the Hungarian news media (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Zootaxonomy
Supervisor: Dr. Zoltán Korsós
18. Mong Mariann - year 5 (vet)
Food preference tests with pet rats (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Supervisor: András Bersényi DVM
19. Nógrádi Anna Linda - year 5 (vet)
Haematological and Bood Biochemical Examinations of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine
Supervisor: Péter Pazár DVM
20. Nyitrai Gabriella - year 5 (vet)
The review of the eye sings and ability of the improvement of it (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science; Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Supervisor: András Gáspárdy DVM
21. Orbán Zsuzsa - graduating student (vet)
Characterization of hyperpolymorphic microsatellite polymorphisms in hound dogs (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Supervisors: Petre Zenke, László Zöldág DVM
22. Pivarcsi Judit - year 5 (zoo)
Methods to increase locomotor activity of zoo gorillas indoors and outdoors (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institut for Biology, Department of Ecology;Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Supervisors: Dr. Peter Kabai, István Vidákovits
23. Sárdi Sára - graduating student (vet)
The appearance of West-Nile virus in the equine population of Hungary (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine Large Animal Clinic
Supervisor: Orsolya Kutasi DVM
24. Singovszky Tünde - year 4 (vet)
The reflection of animlas in the human psyche (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Supervisor: Sándor György Fekete DVM
25. Spitzner Ádám - year 4 (vet)
Experimental and diagnostic imagine in evaluation of venous autografts developed from the internal rectus sheath (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Surgery and Ophtalmology
Supervisors: Péter Csébi DVM, Tibor Németh DVM
26. Tombácz Kata - year 5 (vet)
Porcine hokovirus in Hungary (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisors: Attila Cságola DVM, Márta Lőrincz DVM, Tamás Tuboly DVM
27. Váczy Borbála - year 4 (vet)
Lidocaine induced alterations in heart rate variability in mouse animal model (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Pharmacology and Toxicology Department
Supervisor: Csaba Kővágó DVM
28. Vada Edina - year 4 (vet)
Phylogenetic analysis of Equine infectious anaemia viruses detected in Hungarian horses (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Supervisor: Tamás Bakonyi DVM
29. Varga János - year 5 (zoo)
Examination of gluco- and mineralocorticoid effects in perinatal and adult vasopressin deficient Brattleboro rats (abstract)
SzIE, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Ecology Department; MTA-KOKI Laboratory of Behavioural and Stress Studies
Supervisors: Dóra Zelena, Péter Kabai

Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library