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» 2018
TDK conference 2018
November 21, 2018, Wednesday, 8 am
Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Assembly Hall
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)
Duration of each presentation is 8 minutes
Chair: Dr. Péter Gálfi, vice-Rector
1. Balázs Bence - year 5 (vet)
Influence of neonatal heat conditioning on the physiological parameters and production of ROSS 308
hybrid (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Andrea Kőrösiné Molnár, Dr. Ákos Maróti-Agóts, Dr. László Kőrösi
2. Beck Attila - year 5 (vet)
Phenotyping of Hungarian Grey bulls with the optometric VATEM method (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Ákos Maróti Agóts
3. Bende Borbála - year 5 (vet)
Consumer phenomena and their effects on Hungarian producers in terms of animal-welfare (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Kinga Fodor, Dr. Lajos Bognár
4. Boros Márton - year 6 (vet)
Comparing the arterial blood pressure estimated by Doppler echocardiography and oscillometry in dogs (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Ferenc Manczur
5. Collet Saintin Héloise - year 5 (vet)
Canine and Feline Geriatrics: A Canadian Survey on the Health and Welfare of Senior Pets (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Animal Hygiene, Herdhealth and Veterinary Ethology
Dr András Adorján
6. Dombi Barbara - year 6 (vet)
Basic measurements to develop a methodology for cortisol-based stress testing (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Orsolya Korbacska-Kutasi, Dr. István Tóth
7. Fülöp Dorottya - year 5 (vet)
The usage of spectrophotometer in measuring boars semen concentration and the investigation of factors influencing it (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Food Animal Medicine
Dr. András Horváth
8. Gallagher Gemma - year 6 (vet)
Effect of an extended photoperiod on prepartum mares following an artificially advanced breeding season. Observations on gestation length and the effect of IGF-1 on foal birth weight. (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. András Gáspárdy
9. Gazsi Zsófia - year 6 (vet)
The analysis of plant fructan content and pasture associated laminitis (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Botany
Dr. Daniel Cserhalmi, Dr. Orsolya Korbacska-Kutasi
10. Gunde Éva - year 5 (vet)
Longitudinal volumetric assessment of ventricle enlargement In dogs trained for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (abstract)
Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University; University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Surgery
Dr. Attila Arany-Tóth, Dr. Enikő Kubinyi, Dr. Czeibert Kálmán
11. Héthársi Fanni Virág - year 6 (vet)
Small-breed dogs’ normal adrenal gland size measurments with ultrasonography (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Csaba Hetyei, Dr. Gergely Kiss
12. Holló Noémi Petra - year 5 (vet)
Diagnostic applicability of the Vetscan VS2-HW antigen test in Dirofilaria immitis and/or Dirofilaria repens infections of dogs (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Károly Vörös, Dr. Zsolt Becker
13. Hudák Levente - year 6 (vet)
Environmental conditions on Hungarian pig farms (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Veterinary Forensics, Law and Economics
Dr. László Ózsvári, Dr. László Búza
14. Jenei Péter - year 5 (vet)
Evaluation of a Novel Screw Position in the Distal Phalanx on Standing Horses: An In Vivo Study (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine
Dr. Dániel Béni
15. Józsa Emőke - year 5 (vet)
Hypothetically viral tumours of intensively bred sturgeons (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine
Dr. Ferenc Baska, Réka Borzák
16. Juhász Zsófia Dorottya - year 6 (vet)
The market opportunities for specialisation in the Hungarian small animal practices (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Veterinary Forensics, Law and Economics
Dr. László Ózsvári
17. Kerekes Barbara - year 5 (vet)
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria isolated from urinary tract, respiratory tract, skin and ear infections of dogs in Hungary, in the period of 2015-2017 (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Ákos Jerzsele
18. Kimball Anna Krisztina - year 6 (vet)
Comparison of on-site and laboratory methods for the examination of immunoglobulin levels in newborn foals (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Boglárka Vincze
19. Klenovszki Dóra - year 5 (vet)
Mapping of collagen network orientation of the femoropatellar and femorotibial region in the equine stifle joint (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine
Dr. Pál Tuska
20. Kovács Szilvia - year 6 (vet)
Metagenomic analysis of large intestinal content from horses with equine grass sickness (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine
Dr. Zoltán Bakos
21. Lénárt Zoltán - year 5 (vet)
Food safety aspects of environmental polluting heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb) in wild boar (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. József Lehel
22. Nemes Brigitta - year 5 (vet)
Corneal anaesthetic effect of lidocaine in comparison with bupivacaine and oxybuprocaine in normal horses (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine
Dr. Zita Makra
23. Németh Szilvia - year 6 (vet)
Research about the newborn pigs' antibody level (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Food Animal Medicine
Dr. András Horváth
24. Sándor Panna Margit - year 5 (vet)
Detecting colic motion patterns by using sensor technology (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Orsolya Korbacska-Kutasi
25. Schlembach Tamara - year 4 (vet)
Comparison of reproductive characteristics of non-twinning and twinning Holstein-Frisian dairy cows (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. András Gáspárdy
26. Sipos Roland - year 4 (vet)
Comparative study on technology level, major production parameters, vaccination protocols and respiratory health status on pig fattening farms (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Veterinary Forensics, Law and Economics
Dr. László Ózsvári, Dr. László Búza
27. Stirminszki Réka - year 6 (vet)
Needle-bursoscopic evaluation of the navicular bursa from transthecal and direct approach in standing horses (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine
Dr. Gábor Bodó, Dr. Dániel Béni
28. Sziklai Lili Blanka - year 5 (vet)
Pet feeding practices of dog owners in Hungary (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Clinical Pathophysiology and Oncology
Dr. Krisztina Kungl
29. Török Barbara - year 6 (vet)
The value of the urinary albumin-to-total protein ratio in proteinuric dogs (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Fruzsina Anna Falus
30. Tóth Csaba - year 6 (vet)
Installation of a digital biosecurity system on Hungarian swine farms (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Veterinary Forensics, Law and Economics
Dr. Laszló Ózsvári, Dr. László Búza
31. Vasilev, Mihail - year 4 (vet)
Saiga Antelopes on the verge of extinction: a study on the major causes leading to mass mortality events (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pathology
Dr. Míra Mándoki
32. Verebes Dóra - year 6 (vet)
The comparison of the effectiveness of various estrus synchronization techniques in ewes in the breeding season (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Reproduction
Dr. Mónika Bacsa
33. Vöröskői Petra Anna - year 5 (vet)
Detection of fetal DNA from maternal plasma samples with PCR in horse (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Vincze Boglárka, Dr. Zenke Petra
Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library
Tolnay Sándor lecture hall
Chair: Dr. Tibor Bartha, vice-Rector
1. Bagi Melinda - year 5 (vet)
Detection of hepcidin in the serum of healthy dogs with LC/MS method (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Zsuzsanna Vizi, Dr. Ágnes Sterczer
2. Bakumenko Lubov Nyikolajevna - year 6 (vet)
Absorption and metabolism study of quercetin-derivatives in porcine intestinal epithelial cells (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Orsolya Farkas, Dr. Zita Karancsi
3. Balajthy Bálint - year 6 (vet)
Production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α by astroglia cells exposed to hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in vitro (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Dr. Zoltán Bárány, Dr. Dávid Sándor Kiss
4. Bertram Leonie - year 5 (vet)
The effect of the predator odour TMT on the behaviour of mice and the possibility of its epigenetic transmission. (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr.. Sándor György Fekete, Dr. Gabriella Korsós
5. Bowles Hannah Mairéad - year 5 (vet)
The effect of probiotics on the structure and functionality of enterocytes (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Orsolya Farkas, Nikolett Palkovicsné Pézsa
6. Cullen Siobhán Alice - year 5 (vet)
Molecular analyses of badger ectoparasites from Ireland (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Dr. Sándor Hornok
7. Czakó Lenke - year 5 (vet)
A new initiative: Setting up of the Hungarian Canine Brain and Tissue Bank (abstract)
ELTE, Department of Ethology; University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Animal Hygiene, Herdhealth and Veterinary Ethology
Dr. András Adorján, Dr. Enikő Kubinyi
8. Giricz Márton - year 6 (vet)
Examination of the anti-inflammatory effects of probiotics on IPEC-J2 swine intestinal cell cultures (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Orsolya Palócz
9. Hafner Nathalie - year 5 (vet)
Characterization of fungi isolated from porcine microbiota and examination of their synergism with probiotic bacteria (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Orsolya Palócz, Dr. György Csikó
10. Hartwig Pia Malu - year 4 (vet)
Disinfecting effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) on duck eggs originated from a duck breeding farm, determination of the total CFU count on the egg surface (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. György Csikó, Orsolya Palócz
11. Hatvani Anna - year 5 (vet)
Examination of ultrasonic tick repeller on ticks, dogs and horses (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Dr. Gábor Földvári
12. Horváth Gergő Károly - year 5 (vet)
Detection of PRRSV with a novel RNA in situ hybridization method (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pathology
Dr. Gyula Balka, Lilla Dénes
13. Károlyi Henrik Fülöp - year 3 (vet)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems for the detection of the waterfowl pathogen Mycoplasma species (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Dr Miklós Gyuranecz, Dénes Grózner
14. Kerek Ádám - year 5 (vet)
Investigation of multiresistant bacteria at small animal clinics and small animal hospitals (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Ákos Jerzsele, Dr. Ágnes Sterczer
15. Kideys Elif - year 6 (vet)
The effects of noise on the behaviour and brain peroxidation of mice (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Gabriella Korsós, Dr. Sándor György Fekete
16. Kiszely Sára - year 6 (vet)
Study on the lungworm infections of domestic cats (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Dr. Róbert Farkas
17. Kondor Milán - year 6 (vet)
Topographic anatomical atlas of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Dr. László Zoltán Reinitz
18. Kuffa Szilvia Krisztina - year 5 (vet)
Investigation of endocrine parameters in autistic animal model induced by BPA (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Dr. Andrea Heinzlmann
19. Kurucz Ádám - year 4 (vet)
Comparative examination of detoxifying processes in wild boar and domestic pig (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Dr. Gábor Mátis, Dr. Kata Orbán
20. Lajos Andrea - year 4 (vet)
Investigating the inflammatory effect of norepinephrine in a feline primary urinary bladder cell culture (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Dr. Patrícia Hatala, Dr. Gábor Mátis
21. Lamboley, Giliane - year 4 (vet)
Study of the nutraceutical hypoglycemic properties of the whey ZONAR and the lyophilisate obtained from ZONAR on a model of diabetes induced in wistar rats with the streptozotocin and nicotinamide (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pathology
Dr. Míra Mándoki
22. Magyar Márta Szilvia - year 5 (vet)
To eat or not to eat? – Food safety aspects of essential metals in seafood (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. József Lehel
23. Marcello Giuseppe Mark - year 3 (vet)
Quantitative electron microscopic analysis of the brain in the CNTNAP2 mouse model of autism. (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Dr. Bence Rácz
24. Molnár Gyula - year 4 (vet)
Functional hypothalamic asymmetry with regard to reproduction and satiety state in male rats (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
Dr. Dávid Sándor Kiss, Dr. István Tóth
25. Monori Kitti Dóra - year 6 (vet)
Examination of carcinogenic organic substances formed in grilled chicken meat (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. Dániel Pleva, Dr. Katalin Lányi
26. Oláh Boglárka - year 6 (vet)
Heterocyclic amine formation related to poultry meat preparation habits (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. Katalin Lányi
27. Pintér Zita - year 5 (vet)
Investigation of the mitochondrial haplotypes in Wild boar (Sus scrofa) for forensic purposes (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science
Dr. Petra Zenke
28. Sipos Eszter - year 5 (vet)
Moxidectin-doxycycline combined treatment for D. immitis heartworm infestation in dogs (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Ákos Jerzsele
29. Sudár Dóra - year 6 (vet)
The presence of Fascioloides magna and other endoparasites in the game of the Szekszárd Hills (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Dr. Gábor Majoros, Dr. Alexandra Juhász
30. Szalai Mária - year 6 (vet)
Effect of fermented wheat-germ extract supplement on artificial Salmonella Typhimurium infection in broilers (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Zoltán Somogyi
31. Szemők Bianka Barbara - year 6 (vet)
Serological survey of fasciolosis in sheep flocks (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Parasitology and Zoology
Dr. Róbert Farkas
32. Szijjártó József - year 6 (vet)
Chemical safety of street foods: what do we eat with the gyros? (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. Katalin Lányi
33. Szima Réka - year 6 (vet)
The presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in broiler chicken through their breeding and processing (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Food Hygiene
Dr. Katalin Szakmár, Dr. Dóra Tőzsér
34. Valletti Carlotta - year 5 (vet)
Detection of atypical porcine pestivirus in Hungary (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pathology
Lilla Dénes
Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library