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» 2011
» Biology Session
Biology session
November 23, 2011, Wednesday, 10 am
Venue: Vaterinary Faculty
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)
Duration of each presentation is 10 minutes
Chair: Prof. Ferenc Samu
Museum at the Deparmtent of Anatomy and Histology
1. Ágh Nóra - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Study of the change in migration pattern of two flycatcher species by the analysis of long-term bird ringing data series (abstract)
Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Biomathematics and Informatics
Andrea Harnos, Tibor Csörgő, Szilvia Kovács
2. Gál Júlia Tünde - year 4 (Bio-MSc)
Effect of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on an amphibian community in Hungary (abstract)
SzIU Faculty of Veterinary Science Institut for Biology, Deparment of Ecology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Herpetological Collection
Judit Vörös, Krisztián Szabó
3. Kudlik Gyöngyi Andrea - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
The analysis of the immunosuppressive activity of mouse-mesenchymal stem cells (abstract)
Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Ecology
Dr. Ferenc Uher
4. Lázár Bence - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Where do Red-footed Falcons Migrate in Autumn? (abstract)
Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Biomathematics and Informatics
Fehérvári, Péter, Dr Harnos, Andrea
5. Nemesházi Edina - year 1 (Bio-MSc)
Modelling of degradation effects of environmental conditions on DNA extracted from feathers (abstract)
Szent István University Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Ecology
Nóra Vili
Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library