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Biology session

November 26, 2014, Wednesday, 10 am

Venue: Vaterinary Faculty
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)

Duration of each presentation is 10 minutes

Chair: Dr. Földvári Gábor

Museum at the Deparmtent of Anatomy and Histology

1. Biró Gina - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Cooperation of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) considering dominance and social relationships and kinship (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Biological Institution Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr Kabai Péter, Rigler Eszter
2. Drexler Tamás - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Investigation of dominance between zebra finches (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute for Biology, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. Péter Kabai, Eszter Rigler
3. Fera Gábor - year 1 (Bio-MSc)
The role of the Schreckstoff in tadpoles-predator interactions (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute for Biology
Supervisors: Attila Hettyey, András Kosztolányi
4. Karai Edina - year 1 (Bio-MSc)
Development of drug resistance in canine lymphomas (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Clinical Pathology and Oncology
Supervisors: Dr. Péter Vajdovich, Dr. Gergely Szakács
5. Madarász Miklós - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Novel caged glutamate compounds for measurement of dendritic integration (abstract)
IEM-HAS, Two-Photon Imaging Center, SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology
Supervisors: Balázs Rózsa, Katalin Halasy
6. Mayer Márton István - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
The glutamatergic nature of neurons of the median raphe, a new aspect of the serotonergic system (abstract)
HAS Institute for Experimental Medicine, SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Anatomy and Histology
Supervisors: Dr. Gabor Nyiri, Dr. Katalin Halasy
7. Nagy Veronika - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Eliminating and „reprogramming” of drug resistant cells by MDR-selective compounds (abstract)
HAS RCNS Membrane Protein Researche Group, SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Intstitue for Biology
Supervisors: Dr. Gergely Szakács, Krisztián Szabó
8. Papp Rita - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Investigation of membrane transporters’ genetic variants in haematopoietic stem cell diseases (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute for Biology; Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service
Supervisors: Hajnalka Andrikovics MD, Krisztián Szabó
9. Pertics Botond Zsombor - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Effects of predator presence on leafhoppers' feeding success (abstract)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre of Agricultural Research, Plant Protection Institute, Zoology Department
Supervisors: Orsolya Beleznai, Dr. Ferenc Samu
10. Piross Imre Sándor - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Experimental Study of Lice Transmission Strategies on a Raptor Host (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Biomathematics and Informatics
Supervisors: Dr. Andrea Harnos, Dr. Lajos Rózsa, Péter Fehérvári
11. Tóth Kata Mária - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Germination protocol for seed samples of herbarium sheets (abstract)
SZIE Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Plants
Supervisors: Dr. Dániel Cserhalmi, Anett Endrédi
12. Varga Zoltán Kristóf - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
The involvement of cannabinoids in the modulation of responding to social challanges (abstract)
SZIU Faculty of Veterinary Science, Institute for Biology, HAS Institute for Experimental Medicine
Supervisors: Dr. József Haller, Dr. Aliczki Manó, Dr. Fülöp Dávid

Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library