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» Call for papers
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Call for papers

The TDK (Students' Research Circle) Committee of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (UVMB) is inviting all TDK students to submit their proposals for papers to be presented at the annual TDK conference, which will be held on November 17, 2021.

Recommended topics as well as the lists of supervisors' names, which you can find on the announcement boards of the departments. Those who wish to join the Students' Research Circle now can get an application form from the Registry Office.

TDK Regulations, which provides all the relevant information on participation, is contained in the Information Leaflet of the academic year. The thesis has to be the work of a single student and its length is limited to 40 pages and it cannot have any appendixes.

A copy of the Information Brochure on the formatting requirements of TDK papers and theses compiled by the director of the Library is available at the departments and in the Central Library. Check here for a short summary of requirements.

Submission deadlines for the 2021 Conference:
  • October 4, 2021: submission form should be filled out on the TDK web page. The submission from includes author's name, address, telephone, mobile, email address, year; passport number; title of paper, department; supervisor(s)'s name and position
  • October 4, 2021: both the English and the Hungarian abstracts should be submitted through the TDK web page.
  • October 18, 2021: The final version of the work should be uploaded to the TDK web page in PDF format. Two printed and bound (spiral-bound, or glued) copies of the paper and written approval of supervisor to present the paper at the TDK Conference
Please, pay special attention that the title and other particulars of the paper are the same when submitting the abstracts and the final version of the paper!

Papers not complying with formatting requirements will be excluded. Deadlines are strict. There will be no access on the web page after the deadlines.

Hand in printed materials to: Secretary to the Department of Anatomy and Histology (Adrien Kováts).

Please, keep the deadlines!

Should you have any problems logging in or with the online data management page, please write a mail from the login page.

September 6, 2021

Dr. Rácz Bence
associate professor
vice president of TDK committee

Dr. Sótonyi Péter
Professor and Chair
TDK committee