» Call for papers
» Thesis requirements
Thesis requirementsFormal requirementsLength: 40 pages maximumPage size: A4 Font size: 12 points Font: Times New Roman Spacing: 1.5 – the reference list might be single space and 10 points Indention: justified Margins: 2.5 cm; gutter margin 3 cm Page numbering: bottom middle, cover and title page without page numbering Title page: Name of the University, the department, title of the thesis, name of author, supervisor(s), and their position and affiliation Printing: single sided Figures: Figures must be numbered and should contain a short explanation, all with 10 points font size. All figures must be referred from the body text using the figure number. Binding: Spiral or hard cover black with a text: TDK THESIS, bottom-right: author and year of submission Annexes: Not allowed! Content requirementsA TDK thesis must have the following content or chapters:
*: might be over the 40 page limit |