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» 2019
» Biology Session
Biology session
November 20, 2019, Wednesday, 8 am
Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)
Duration of each presentation is 8 minutes
Assembly Hall
Chair: Dr. Péter Gálfi, president of DHT
1. Bartus Dalma Csenge - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Investigation of individual recognition in dogs using inanimate interactive agents (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. Ádám Miklósi, Judit Abdai
2. Budai Mátyás - year 1 (Bio-BSc)
Vegetation structural predictors of habitat selection of grassland specialist vipers (Vipera graeca, Vipera renardi, Vipera ursinii) (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Edvárd Mizsei, Szabolcs Lengyel, Krisztián Szabó
3. Csonka Veronika - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Relation of serotonin and inflammatory mediators (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. Gabriella Juhász
4. Dalvári Henriett Anna - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Study of sex-specific mortality in great tit nestlings in different habitats (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. András Liker, Nóra Czikkelyné Ágh, Krisztián Szabó
5. Kalina Csenge - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
The hormonal background of inducible toxin production of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Veronika Bókony, Bálint Üveges
6. Rák Gergő Attila - year 1 (Bio-BSc)
Prey traits predict predators' choice: diet of the endangered Greek Meadow Viper (Vipera graeca) (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Edvárd Mizsei, Szabolcs Lengyel, Krisztián Szabó
7. Szekeres Barbara Gabriella - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Investigation of particle size dependent changes in kinetics of metals in animal model (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Csaba Kővágó
8. Török Dávid - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Testing the ability of statistical language learning in pet dogs with EEG (abstract)
ELTE Institute of Biology, Department of Ethology. University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Institute for Biology
Lilla Magyari, Attila Andics, Erzséber Hornung
9. Tóth Rita - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Functional and taxonomic rarity of stream fishes along a degradation gradient (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Tibor Erős, Dr. Péter Szabó
10. Váczy-Földi Máté - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Measuring reproductive synchrony in insect populations: definitions of new indices and their tests on real and simulated mark-recapture data (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. Szilvia Kövér, Dr. János Kis
11. Varga Bence Tamás - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
The role of conditional stimuli associated with fear conditioning procedure in retrieval of memory (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. István Gyertyán, Dr. Erzsébet Hornung
12. Verebélyi Viktória - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Ecotoxicological study of terbuthylazine on early development in two anuran species (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest,
Department of Ecology
Dr. Veronika Bókony, Dr. András Kosztolányi
Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library