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Biology session

November 20, 2019, Wednesday, 8 am

Venue: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
(Budapest, VII. István u. 2.)

Duration of each presentation is 8 minutes

Assembly Hall

Chair: Dr. Péter Gálfi, president of DHT
1. Bartus Dalma Csenge - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Investigation of individual recognition in dogs using inanimate interactive agents (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. Ádám Miklósi, Judit Abdai
2. Budai Mátyás - year 1 (Bio-BSc)
Vegetation structural predictors of habitat selection of grassland specialist vipers (Vipera graeca, Vipera renardi, Vipera ursinii) (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Edvárd Mizsei, Szabolcs Lengyel, Krisztián Szabó
3. Csonka Veronika - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Relation of serotonin and inflammatory mediators (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisor: Dr. Gabriella Juhász
4. Dalvári Henriett Anna - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Study of sex-specific mortality in great tit nestlings in different habitats (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. András Liker, Nóra Czikkelyné Ágh, Krisztián Szabó
5. Kalina Csenge - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
The hormonal background of inducible toxin production of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Veronika Bókony, Bálint Üveges
6. Rák Gergő Attila - year 1 (Bio-BSc)
Prey traits predict predators' choice: diet of the endangered Greek Meadow Viper (Vipera graeca) (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Edvárd Mizsei, Szabolcs Lengyel, Krisztián Szabó
7. Szekeres Barbara Gabriella - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Investigation of particle size dependent changes in kinetics of metals in animal model (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Supervisor: Dr. Csaba Kővágó
8. Török Dávid - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Testing the ability of statistical language learning in pet dogs with EEG (abstract)
ELTE Institute of Biology, Department of Ethology. University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Institute for Biology
Supervisors: Lilla Magyari, Attila Andics, Erzséber Hornung
9. Tóth Rita - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Functional and taxonomic rarity of stream fishes along a degradation gradient (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Tibor Erős, Dr. Péter Szabó
10. Váczy-Földi Máté - year 3 (Bio-BSc)
Measuring reproductive synchrony in insect populations: definitions of new indices and their tests on real and simulated mark-recapture data (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. Szilvia Kövér, Dr. János Kis
11. Varga Bence Tamás - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
The role of conditional stimuli associated with fear conditioning procedure in retrieval of memory (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. István Gyertyán, Dr. Erzsébet Hornung
12. Verebélyi Viktória - year 2 (Bio-MSc)
Ecotoxicological study of terbuthylazine on early development in two anuran species (abstract)
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Department of Ecology
Supervisors: Dr. Veronika Bókony, Dr. András Kosztolányi

Please, have a look at the printed theses in the Central Library