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Turnitin plagiarism check

Our University is committed to high-quality scientific work, and in order to improve this, plagiarism screening of theses is getting introduced. Technological advances allow us to compare the text of a thesis with contents available on the web or in databases, thus contributing to avoid intentional or accidental plagiarism.

For this purpose, the University of Veterinary Medicine has purchased the Turntitin Similarity software, which has been successfully tested in the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. On this basis, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, plagiarism check via the Neptun system will be mandatory before the final submission of theses.

For all theses submitted a plagiarism check via Neptun is mandatory, the results are evaluated by the thesis supervisor and, if necessary, the TDK thesis is modified and re-uploaded before final submission. This obligation will not apply to papers that have been successfully submitted for a TDK in the past and are now submitted as a thesis with an equivalence statement, because they have already been written and accepted on the basis of a previous event.

Turnitin Similarity searches (and finds) text similarity in more than 90 billion currently available and archived web pages, 80 million library databases, textbooks, articles available in digital collections, publications published in or submitted to the Crossref database and in the University's HuVetA repository.

You do not need to do anything in advance for the verification, you just need to upload your thesis to Neptun.

After the Turnitin submission deadline, your thesis will be checked for similarity with Turnitin Similarity, the results will be sent to your supervisor, who will evaluate and notify you if any changes to the thesis are required.

Information about the software can be found at the link below or on the library's website.