Students' Research Circle    
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1. §
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2. §

1. The Student' s Research Circle is administered by the Council of the Student' s Research Circle (TDT), which is a self governing body under the auspices of the rector, or her/his assigned deputy (for research affairs).

2. The Council of the Student' s Research Circle has 16–17 members of which 6–7 members represent students from the 2nd to the 5th years participating in the Student' s Research Circle, while the other 10 members are lecturers and researchers of the university. The chairman of the Council of the Student' s Research Circle is elected by the senate, while its members are appointed by the rector upon the proposals of the chairman with the consent of the senate. Student candidates are nominated by a three-member committee elected by the students participating in the Student' s Research Circle. This committee makes its nominations after having consulted the former leaders of the Council of the Student' s Research Circle as well as the members. Several candidates may be nominated for one position in the council, however, they must be ranked. This makes it possible to substitute a student who may drop out of the council by the one following him in the order. The Council of the Student' s Research Circle elects its office-holders and the vice chairman from among the experienced academic staff members delegated to the Council of the Student' s Research Circle, while the secretary and vice secretary of the Council of the Student' s Research Circle are elected from among the student members of the Council. Student members may be co-opted as the natural course of the study periods require.

Membership in the Council of the Student' s Research Circle ceases
  • when the mandate ends,
  • if the member resigns,
  • by revocation.
The Council of the Student' s Research Circle makes decisions regarding the acceptance of the reassignment of lecturer, researcher members or their revocation. The resignation of student members is accepted by the Council of the Student' s Research Circle, while decision on their revocation can be made at the meeting of student members of the Student' s Research Circle.

3. If there are at least five students, involved in research under the umbrella of the Student' s Research Circle working within one department or other organisational unit (e. g. clinic), they may form a group within the Student' s Research Circle with the consent of the leader of the unit if this improves the effectiveness of their activity. The group' s leader is assigned by the department leader taking his subject competence and managerial qualities into account with the consent of the Council of the Student' s Research Circle.

4. Administrative duties related to the Student' s Research Circle are performed by the appropriate members of the Department of Continuous Education, the Finance Department, the Study Department and the Council of the Student' s Research Circle.